Finding Games Episode 16: James Wallis

Cor, we seem to be getting good at this podcast business! It's another episode of Finding Games. As usual, those of you who have been supporting us on Patreon would have already had this epidosde on early access. But you - go check out the Patreon and you’ll find the NEXT early access podcast up there for your listening delight! If you simply cannot wait for the next episode after listening to this one then you can back us for a dollar for early access to future podcast episodes, as well as a whole host of game design tips and other goodies. That's

In Episode 16, I talk with the ever-lovely James Wallis. He has had a fascinating career from journalist to TV presenter to game designer and is now the Studio Manager for Green Board Games (who are the only UK-based game publisher for the Asmodee Group). Along the way, we talk about networking and building links in the community and James even puts out a call for submissions!

Here he is in his own words:
"Since starting his first RPG fanzine instead of revising for his O-Levels, James Wallis has been in most parts of the UK games industry: designer, writer, publisher, reviewer, consultant, lecturer, historian and more. These days he's the studio manager at Green Board Games, the only UK-based games publisher in the Asmodee group."

Just a heads up that we had a few issues with James' audio on this one. We've done the best we can with it but it's still a great listen!

You can follow James on Twitter @JamesWallis
To receive the submission details email and he will give you information on their submission procedure.

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