Finding Games Episode 15: Maisy Hatchard

Has it been two weeks already? It's time for another episode of Finding Games - and once again, if you were supporting us on Patreon, you'd have had access to this one last week! Just back us for a dollar for early access to future podcast episodes, as well as a whole host of game design tips and other goodies. That's

In this episode, Sophie is chatting to Maisy Hatchard, who we met through the Tabletop Mentorship Program that we talked about in episode 13. In her own words:

Maisy translates board games from Japanese to English full time, with all the hats of localisation, graphics, production, Kickstarter stuff, and whatever else is on the cards! She lives in Tokyo, drinks too many lattes, and is almost 40% glitter. Notable games that will eventually make the foundations of her board game box fort include: Tokyo Sidekick, Dragon Gyas (coming soon), The Last Brave, and Tateruto.

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