Finding Games Episode 7: Danielle Reynolds, DMR Creative Group

Hey Needy Cat fans! It’s another new month, and we’ve put up another episode of the Finding Games podcast. (No, you didn’t miss one last month - we just completely failed to get one recorded and edited in time. We’re going to do our best to get a second one up this month!)

This month Sophie’s talking to Danielle Reynolds, a Chicagoland designer that co-hosts design meetups, organizes gaming fundraisers and pitches at conventions. She has spent the past 2 years diving into the industry and all that it offers.

This chat’s a bit different to some of our other episodes, speaking to someone who’s currently in the process of getting into the industry. Danielle’s got some fascinating insights on the American convention circuit, pitching games and juggling a full-time job with a passion for board game design.

This is a good one - give it a listen, and let us know what you think in the comments!


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  • Get in touch with organiser Mike Belsole on Twitter, @MikeBelsole3.

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