Finding Games Retrospective: Episodes 5-8

It’s day three of the Finding Games retrospective! We explained what this was on Friday (and let you see the previously-exclusive Episode Zero), and yesterday we ran through Episodes 1-4. Today, we’re looking at the next four!

For Episode 5, Sophie spoke to Rob Burman, who’s in charge of lots of stuff at Mantic Games. Honestly, we’ve lost track of what his job title is, because he seems to do a bit of everything! He writes blog posts, liaises with license holders, froths about goblins and… well, when I was Mantic’s Community Manager (years ago!) I did all sorts of utter nonsense over there, and it’s great to see Rob’s taken up that particular torch.

For Episode 6 was a fascinating one - it was the first time we stepped outside of tabletop games and took a look at other types of analogue gaming. John Mizon runs South West Megagames, which straddle the line between live action roleplay and tabletop gaming.

Episode 7 brought a new perspective in the form of Danielle Reynolds, who James met when he was partnered up with her through the Tabletop Mentorship Program. When she recorded the podcast she was an as-yet unsigned designer, pitching games to various publishers, and if you listen you’ll hear how much hard work she put in! That hard work paid off, and we recently found out that she’s successfully signed one of her games with a publisher. Congratulations, Danielle!

After Danielle’s podcast was released in December 2019 we had a bit of an unplanned hiatus, as we started winding up for the Kickstarter launch of Robot Fight Club… and then COVID-19 happened, and we lost track for several months. Finding Games returned in July with a special episode, where we flipped the script entirely, and I interviewed Sophie! This was a really fun chat, although it also got pretty deep in places. Basically, it’s a meandering ramble about all sorts of things, but honestly, aren’t they all?

There we go - day three is done! Check back tomorrow for day four…