Finding Games Episode 13: Mike Belsole and Grace Kendall, the Tabletop Mentorship Program

It's Episode 13 of the Finding Games podcast, where we talk to people who work in and around the tabletop games industry and find out how they got there.

Exciting news for fans of the podcast - from now on, all episodes will be released on our Patreon as soon as they’re edited, then posted to the normal Finding Games stream (iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, etc) every two weeks. Sophie’s been recording a whole heap of podcasts lately, with a host of awesome guests, and is now going through and getting them all ready for broadcast, so Patreon supporters have got a lot to look forward to. Anyway, on with the episode!

Mike Belsole (he/him) and Grace Kendall (they/them) are the organizers of the Tabletop Mentorship Program. Both are avid game designers and have worked at many conventions, and now can be spotted working at a board game cafe in Ohio. Grace's game Celestial Stories came out from Inkwell Games this summer, and they have a co-designed riddle-filled party game in the publishing pipeline.


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