Vampires Suck (at Shopping) - a free RPG!

In the post-Christmas haze of likely over-indulgence we want to provide you with a bonus little free-to-download, one-shot, very silly TTRPG.


We put this together last month because we needed a break from all the big projects we’ve been working on lately, and it came out of a conversation we had after watching a lot of What We Do In The Shadows. This is our unofficial tribute to a wonderful show with a ridiculous concept.

The PDF linked below is designed to be printed double-sided and folded into thirds, so reading it on a screen is a case of starting with the right-hand column on the first page, then following the page numbers at the bottom.  

We really enjoyed making this, and we’ve already released one other - with a third game on the way soon! Check out our store for updates, and if you’d would like to support us making these small games, then you can go to and back us for as little as $1 a month.

Right, that’s enough blather. Here’s a pdf!