Finding Games Episode 8: Sophie Williams, Needy Cat Games

Hey, is it January 2020 already? It must be, because here’s Episode 8 of the Finding Games podcast!

Okay, okay, we’ll admit it. Between the Robot Fight Club Kickstarter, and COVID-19, the podcast fell into an unintended hiatus. It’s over now though! Things are starting to vaguely edge back towards normal (well, relatively speaking) and we’ve got a big list of podcasts to record. To make up for lost time, we’ll be releasing Episode 8 today, Episode 9 later this week, and a bonus episode (previously only accessible to our Patrons) at some point very soon! We’ll then resume with Episode 10 in August, and so on.

Right - enough rambling!

This episode’s a special one, because this time it’s Sophie’s turn to be interviewed! It’s a bit of a mammoth chat, clocking in at about an hour and a half, and goes into loads of very honest detail about how she ended up doing what she does for a living. I really enjoyed this one, and I hope you do as well.


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