An Online Introduction to Tabletop Game Design

Hey folks! Just a quick blog post - you know how we’ve been running our Introduction to Tabletop Game Design courses? They’ve been really popular, but a load of people have been unable to attend because of time and/or space.

So, bowing to popular demand, we’ve decided to start running courses online as well!

Run solo by one of us for logistical reasons - it’s hard to fit us both on-screen! - these stripped-back seminars cover some of the same ground as the full-day courses, but are delivered in two hours via an online webinar client. Attendees can participate through any web browser, or through a smartphone or tablet app if they prefer, and can get involved via a chat interface.

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Full details and tickets can be found here - if you have any questions, drop a comment below!

A couple of questions that we’ve already been asked:

Is there still any point in going to the full-day versions of the courses?

Yes! They cover a lot more stuff, in a lot more detail, with both of us giving input and answering questions. For example, Course 2: Refining Your Game covers the same sort of content as the Writing Rules and Working at Play seminars, plus an afternoon of practical work (not to mention a slap-up lunch).

If I’ve been to all the full-day courses, will I get anything out of these?

I’d generally say no - you’ll already have been told everything that we’ll be covering. These are aimed at people who can’t make it along to the full-day courses.

If my connection is interrupted or I have to leave the seminar, will I be able to catch up what I’ve missed?

The software we’re using very handily records everything, so a full YouTube video of the seminar will be made available to all participants afterwards, along with the slides, a reading list and some supplementary materials. It’s basically like being there live, you just can’t ask questions!

We look forward to seeing you there :)